Reducing the Risk of Diabetes in the Workplace


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A well-established New Jersey professional, Joseph DiBella oversees Conner Strong & Buckelew’s employee benefits activities and helps local municipalities expand their choice of plans and risk management capacities. One issue that Joseph DiBella has extensive experience in involves increasing employee health and lowering plan costs through reducing the incidence of diabetes.

With one-third of Americans likely to develop diabetes over the course of a lifetime, the condition is causing a rapid escalation of health care costs. University of Chicago research suggests that, even if prevalence of the disease holds steady, diabetes care outlays will rise from $113 billion to $336 billion over the next two dozen years.

Fighting diabetes in the workplace requires reducing risk through a re-orientation on losing weight as a primary goal. A loss of as little as five percent of body weight can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes and company health and wellness programs must reflect this.

Pathways toward changing employee habits include phone and online coaching services, weight loss contests, and the creation of walking clubs. In addition, savvy companies are now offering employees free fitness memberships and emphasizing that healthy foods be shared at meetings and in the break room.

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